Abogados de lesiones personales y abogados de accidentes automovilísticos en el condado de Palm Beach, Florida

Estas en necesidad de abogados con experiencia en el condado de Palm Beach, Florida? No busque más allá de la Grupo Jurídico Fischetti. For over a decade, these lawyers have been providing quality legal services to residents and businesses in the Palm Beach County area. Their team of lawyers have extensive knowledge and experience in many different areas of law, including real estate, family law, criminal defense, personal injury, and more. With their commitment to excellence, they are sure to provide the legal representation you need.

lawyer palm beach county - palm beach county personal injury lawyer - palm beach county car accident lawyer - fischetti law group floridaOur Lawyers Provides Quality Legal Services to Palm Beach County, Florida

At Fischetti Law Group, we are proud to offer our clients the highest quality legal services available. Our team of awesome abogados continue to help those in need of legal guidance and representation.

Entendemos que los problemas legales pueden ser abrumadores, por lo que nos esforzamos por brindarles a nuestros clientes una atención personalizada y un asesoramiento atento. Nuestros abogados conocen la ley y están comprometidos a brindar una representación clara, eficiente y efectiva. Utilizamos nuestra experiencia y conocimientos para dar a cada cliente el mejor resultado posible.

Nuestros abogados tienen una larga historia de éxito en el manejo de una variedad de asuntos legales, incluido el derecho familiar, la defensa penal, el derecho comercial y más. No importa qué tipo de caso tenga, estamos seguros de que Fischetti Law Group puede brindarle la representación que necesita.

Si te encuentras en Condado de Palm Beach, Florida and are in need of legal assistance, contact our lawyer at the Fischetti Law Group today. They are ready to fight for you and provide you with the results you deserve.

Fischetti Law Group tiene una larga historia de éxito en el manejo de una variedad de asuntos legales

Durante más de 30 años, Fischetti Law Group ha brindado excelentes servicios legales a los residentes del condado de Palm Beach. Este grupo de abogados se dedica a brindar representación legal de calidad a clientes en todo el condado. Los abogados de Fischetti Law Group tienen una amplia gama de experiencia y conocimiento en una variedad de asuntos legales. Ya sea que enfrente un cargo penal, necesite ayuda con transacciones de bienes raíces o esté lidiando con problemas de derecho familiar, el equipo de Fischetti Law Group podrá ayudarlo.

Fischetti Law Group ha manejado con éxito casos en áreas como accidentes automovilísticos, accidentes de camiones, accidentes de motocicletas, accidentes de barcos, accidentes de Uber y Lyft, daños a la propiedad, resbalones y caídas, planificación patrimonial y otros servicios. Los abogados de Fischetti Law Group se esfuerzan por brindar atención personalizada a todos y cada uno de los clientes. Se enorgullecen de su compromiso de brindar un servicio excepcional y garantizar que sus clientes comprendan el proceso legal y estén informados sobre sus derechos y opciones.

Si usted o alguien que conoce necesita asistencia legal en el condado de Palm Beach, Fischetti Law Group está listo para luchar por usted. Póngase en contacto con Fischetti Law Group hoy para programar una consulta gratuita y obtener más información sobre cómo pueden ayudar.

Fischetti Law Group está comprometido a brindar atención personalizada a todos y cada uno de los clientes

En Fischetti Law Group, entendemos que la situación de cada cliente es única. Nuestros abogados en el condado de Palm Beach personal legal services to each and every person who comes through our doors.

We take the time to get to know each of our clients, their goals, and the specific details of their case. Our lawyer is has experience with cases in Palm Beach County. They are available to answer questions, address concerns, and also ensure that each client’s rights are protected. We provide our clients with honest legal advice and strive to always put their needs first.

What Makes Fischetti Law Group Different?

En Fischetti Law Group, entendemos lo difícil que puede ser navegar por el sistema legal. Es por eso que estamos comprometidos a brindar a nuestros clientes un nivel de servicio inigualable en el área. Si necesita asistencia legal en el condado de Palm Beach, comuníquese hoy con Fischetti Law Group.

At the Fischetti Law Group, we have a team of lawyers who have the expertise and experience to handle all types of legal matters. Our lawyers understand the local laws in Palm Beach County, Florida and will work tirelessly to ensure that you get the best possible outcome. We are committed to providing personalized attention and will fight for your rights and interests. Our lawyers have a long history of success in many areas of law. With this you can trust that they will do everything they can to ensure they handle your case efficiently and effectively. If you are looking for quality legal representation in Condado de Palm Beach, Florida, no busque más allá de Fischetti Law Group.


Para obtener las últimas actualizaciones en el condado de Palm Beach, siga el Grupo Jurídico Fischetti.

Si necesita asistencia legal, contacte el Grupo Legal Fischetti hoy.

The Fischetti Law Group is a law firm servicing Palm Beach County, Florida. Our team of lawyers has the knowledge and resources to handle a wide variety of legal matters. Whether you are in need of guidance in family law, personal injury, or criminal defense, the Fischetti Law Group can provide you with the strong representation you deserve.

At the Fischetti Law Group, we pride ourselves on providing personal attention to each and every client. Our team of attorneys will fight for your rights, whether you are going through a divorce, dealing with an injury, or facing criminal charges. We understand how overwhelming these legal issues can be and will provide you with the compassionate support you need during this difficult time.

Si necesita asistencia legal en el condado de Palm Beach, contacte a lawyer from the Fischetti Law Group today. Our team will be happy to provide you with the knowledgeable representation you need to get the best outcome possible.

Playa de Palma Preguntas frecuentes

After being injured in a Palm Beach County car accident, it’s important to call a lawyer and take action. We’ll ensure you receive the medical attention you need and the compensation you deserve. Here are the steps you should take next:

Seek medical attention immediately:

Even if you don’t feel like you’ve been seriously injured, it’s important to get checked out by a doctor as soon as possible. Some injuries may not become apparent until hours or days after the accident.

Documente todo:

Be sure to take pictures of the accident scene, including any damage to your vehicle and any of your injuries. Write down the names and contact information of any witnesses, as well as the names and insurance information of any other drivers in the accident.

Notifique a su compañía de seguros:

Contact your insurance company to report the accident and start the claims process.

Consultar con un en Lesiones Personales en Nueva Orleans:

Get yourself an injury lawyer that services Palm Beach County! We can help you navigate the legal process and ensure you receive the compensation you deserve. They can also negotiate with insurance companies on your behalf.

Follow through on medical treatment:

It’s important to follow your doctor’s instructions and attend all necessary appointments to ensure a speedy recovery. Be sure to keep all documentation of your medical treatment, as this will be important for your case.

Remember, after a car accident, taking prompt action can help ensure your health and your financial well-being in the long term.

Revise la política:

Start by reading your policy thoroughly to understand what your insurance covers and what is not. Know the exclusions, limitations, and conditions under which your policy operates.

Póngase en contacto con atención al cliente:

Once you have a good understanding of your policy, speak to the customer service department to clarify why your claim was denied. Take notes during the conversation, and get the names of the people you speak with.

Reúna documentación:

Collect all documents relating to the claim. This may include medical records, bills, photographs, police reports, or other relevant evidence.

Request a Written Explanation:

If your claim was denied, your insurer is usually obligated to provide a written explanation detailing why this decision was made.

Internal Appeals:

Most insurance companies have an internal appeals process. If you believe the claim was unfairly denied, you may be able to file an internal appeal where the decision will be reviewed. Submit any additional documentation or information that supports your case.

Seek Expert Opinion:

For larger more complex claims, consider consulting an insurance claims adjuster or an abogado especialista en derecho de seguros para su asesoramiento.

Medidas preventivas:

To avoid future issues, always make sure to read any insurance policy thoroughly before signing, ask questions, and make sure to keep all documents and records are in order.

Tenga en cuenta que pueden aplicarse límites de tiempo a las apelaciones y quejas, por lo que es recomendable actuar con prontitud.

Consult with a professional for advice specific to your situation.

Un acuerdo de honorarios de contingencia es un acuerdo de pago entre un cliente y un abogado, utilizado a menudo en casos civiles, donde el abogado acepta representar al cliente sin exigir una tarifa inicial. En cambio, el abogado se queda con un porcentaje de los daños otorgados al cliente como resultado de un caso exitoso. Si el caso no tiene éxito, el abogado generalmente no recibe honorarios, aunque el cliente aún puede ser responsable de otros costos, como los honorarios de presentación o los honorarios de peritos.

The most basic principle of a contingency fee agreement is that if the attorney does not win the case, they do not collect a fee for their legal services. This makes legal representation more accessible to people who may not have the funds to pay an attorney upfront.

When damages are awarded, the attorney takes a pre-agreed percentage as their fee. This percentage can vary but is commonly around one-third (33.33%).

The agreement should clearly state how out-of-pocket expenses are handled. Even if the attorney’s fee is contingent on winning, expenses like court filing fees, administrative costs, and expert witness fees may still apply.

Contingency fee arrangements are usually put in writing and specify the conditions under which the attorney’s fees will be paid, how the fee is calculated, and what other expenses are the client’s responsibility.

The agreement should outline the legal services covered under the contingency fee and any services that might be billed separately.

It should be made clear when the contingency fee will be collected. Typically, this occurs after the case is won and the award is paid out.

Some agreements specify that the attorney’s fee will be calculated before subtracting costs, while others specify that costs will be subtracted first, and then the fee will be calculated based on the remaining amount.

Many jurisdictions have ethical guidelines and laws governing contingency fee arrangements to ensure they are fair to clients.

Contingency fees are common in personal injury cases, medical malpractice cases, employment discrimination cases, and other civil matters where a monetary judgment is sought. They are generally not allowed in criminal or family law cases.

Informed consent from the client is usually required, meaning the client should fully understand the terms of the agreement before signing.

abogado calificado para discutir cualquier inquietud o pregunta que pueda tener sobre un acuerdo de honorarios de contingencia.

La regla de los 14 días de Florida se refiere a la regla de los XNUMX días del estado. Protección de lesiones personales (PIP), que es un componente de su sistema de seguro de automóvil sin culpa. La regla estipula que si alguien resulta lesionado en un accidente automovilístico en Florida, debe buscar atención médica dentro de los 14 días posteriores al accidente para ser elegible para los beneficios de cobertura PIP.

Aquí hay una descripción general:

Initial Medical Care:

Following an auto accident, the injured person must seek initial medical care within 14 days from the date of the accident. This can be from a range of medical providers, including a medical doctor, dentist, chiropractor, or in an emergency department or facility that provides emergency medical services.

$10,000 or $2,500 in Benefits:

Florida’s PIP generally provides up to $10,000 of benefits for medical expenses, lost wages, and death benefits. However, if the injury is not deemed an “emergency medical condition” (as defined by Florida law), then the PIP benefits are capped at $2,500.

Tipos de atención:

After the initial treatment within 14 days, PIP benefits can be used for follow-up services, but these must be consistent with the underlying medical diagnosis rendered during the initial 14-day treatment. Also, referrals may be necessary for certain services or treatments.


La intención detrás de la regla de los 14 días es garantizar que las personas lesionadas en accidentes automovilísticos busquen atención médica oportuna y limitar las reclamaciones fraudulentas. Sin embargo, esta regla también subraya la importancia de hacerse un chequeo médico después de un accidente, incluso si cree que sus lesiones podrían ser menores al principio.

El plazo para presentar una reclamación(ya sea un reclamo de seguro, un reclamo por lesiones personales o alguna otra acción legal) varía según la jurisdicción, el tipo de reclamo y los términos específicos de cualquier contrato o póliza involucrada. A continuación se ofrece una guía general sobre cuánto tiempo puede tener para presentar un reclamo en diferentes contextos:

Reclamos de Seguro

Seguro de auto:

States have different statutes of limitations for filing claims and lawsuits relating to auto accidents. For insurance claims, the timeline can be as short as a few days for certain types of damage or injury. Your policy will provide more specifics.

Seguro de Hogar:

Filing timelines for homeowners insurance claims depend on the policy and the type of damage. Some policies specify that you must file claims “promptly” or within a specific number of days after the damage occurs.

Seguro de salud:

Health insurance claims also have varying deadlines, often depending on whether the healthcare provider files the claim on your behalf or you’re doing it yourself.

Reclamaciones por lesiones personales

Estatuto de limitaciones:

Most jurisdictions have a statute of limitations that dictates how long you have to file a lawsuit for personal injury. This can range from one year to several years from the date of the injury or the date when you first became aware of the injury.

It’s crucial to consult the specific laws or guidelines relevant to your situation or consult a legal professional for advice coinciding with your circumstances. Failing to file a claim within the timeframe typically results in losing the right to file the claim at all.

El plazo para resolver un accidente de automóvil claim in Palm Beach County—or anywhere else—can vary widely depending on your lawyer and the specifics of the case. It’s challenging to provide an exact timeframe, but here are some general factors that can affect how long it takes for a car accident claim to resolve:

Complejidad del Caso

Casos simples:

If liability is clear, and damages are straightforward to calculate, a case might resolve relatively quickly—perhaps within a few months.

Complicated Cases:

Cases involving severe injuries, complex legal issues, or disputes about who is at fault may take a year or more to resolve.

Participación de la compañía de seguros

Some insurance companies are quick to settle, while others may drag out the process. The time can also vary depending on how quickly the company processes the claim and whether they dispute any aspects of it.

Tratamiento médico.

Finalizing a claim usually should wait until after you complete medical treatment for your injuries. That way, all medical costs can be accurately included in the settlement.

Procedimientos legales

If you have to file a lawsuit because you did not get a fair settlement, the process can be much longer. Pre-trial discovery, negotiations, and the trial itself can add months or even years to the case.

Negociaciones de liquidación

The time it takes to negotiate a establecimiento puede variar. Ambas partes necesitan tiempo para investigar el reclamo y negociar. Esta fase puede ser rápida y sencilla o larga y compleja, según el caso.

Atrasos judiciales

The court system itself can be a factor. High caseloads can mean that even straightforward cases may take longer to schedule.

Circunstancias imprevistas

Factors like changes in law, parties facing other legal issues, or even natural disasters can delay proceedings.

La voluntad del demandante de llegar a un acuerdo

Sometimes you can reach a quicker resolution if the plaintiff is willing to accept a lower settlement. However, this may not be advisable depending on the specifics of the case.

Given these variables, some car accident claims can resolve in a matter of months, while others may take several years. It’s advisable to consult with an attorney with experience in car accident claims to get advice matching your specific situation, as they can offer a more precise estimate depending on the details of your case.


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Comuníquese con nuestros expertos legales aquí y al menos uno de nosotros se comunicará con usted acerca de cualquier lesión personal o reclamo de seguro de propietario de vivienda.


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