Michael Fischetti: un abogado del condado de Miami Dade que obtiene resultados

Michael Fischetti is a terrific lawyer in Miami Dade County who consistently gets results for his clients. As the founding partner of Fischetti Law Group, he has been providing legal services to individuals and businesses in Condado de Miami Dade and across the state of Florida for over 25 years. He has a strong track record of successfully resolving cases and dedicates himself to providing quality legal representation to all of his clients. With extensive experience in a wide range of legal areas, Michael Fischetti is the go-to attorney for anyone in need of legal assistance in Miami Dade County.

abogado del condado de miami dade michael fischetti law group - abogado del condado de miami dadeAcerca de Michael Fischetti

Michael Fischetti ofrece sus servicios profesionales en Condado de Miami Dade, Florida. Mr. Fischetti is the founder of Fischetti Law Group, a full-service law firm providing legal services to individuals and businesses throughout South Florida. Mr. Fischetti has over 20 years of legal experience. Clients and colleagues alike put him in high regard for his professionalism, expertise and dedication to achieving successful outcomes. As a lawyer, Mr. Fischetti protects the rights of his clients and working diligently to ensure they receive the justice they deserve. He works hard to provide personal and effective legal solutions to meet his clients’ needs.

¿Qué tipo de abogado es el señor Fischetti?

At Grupo Jurídico Fischetti, Mr. Fischetti specializes in a variety of legal services, including civil litigation, business law, and personal injury law. He has years of experience handling cases in each of these areas, and he takes a hands-on approach to ensure his clients receive the best possible outcome. Mr. Fischetti is also experienced in helping clients with family law matters such as divorce and child support issues. With an extensive understanding of the law and its nuances, Mr. Fischetti capable of handling any legal matters his clients may have.

¿Cuáles son algunos de los casos recientes del Sr. Fischetti en el condado de Miami Dade?

Michael Fischetti practica derecho civil, litigios comerciales y de negocios, arbitraje y mediación. Es un abogado con gran experiencia que ha representado exitosamente a clientes en una variedad de casos.
Recently, Mr. Fischetti has been involved in cases such as a $1 million contract dispute. He has also resolved a dispute over an LLC operating agreement, a case involving copyright infringement, and a breach of fiduciary duty. He was successful in obtaining a jury verdict on the copyright infringement case and obtained a favorable settlement on the LLC operating agreement case.
In addition to these cases, Mr. Fischetti has experience with clients in construction disputes, real estate transactions, collections, and family law matters. He is an aggressive and knowledgeable lawyer who has positive results for his clients. Sr. Fischetti se esfuerza por brindar el más alto nivel de servicios legales y trabaja diligentemente para garantizar que los intereses de sus clientes estén protegidos.

¿Cómo puedo comunicarme con Michael Fischetti en el condado de Miami Dade?

Si está buscando un abogado en el condado de Miami Dade, Michael Fischetti de la Grupo Jurídico Fischetti is the perfect choice. Mr. Fischetti has been practicing law since 1998 and specializes in representing clients in a variety of areas. To contact him directly, you can reach out to him by phone or email at his office in Miami. His team of professionals will be ready to discuss your legal needs and help you make smart decisions. You can also visit the Fischetti Law Group website for more information about their services. There you can also familiarize yourself with the various practice areas they specialize in.


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