Fischetti Law Group -Immigration


Fischetti Law Group is dedicated to providing exceptional immigration legal services through a meticulous and personalized approach, ensuring each client's needs are thoroughly understood and addressed. Our strategic expertise allows us to navigate complex immigration laws and procedures efficiently, maximizing the chances of successful outcomes for our clients.

Understanding the Immigration Landscape

Immigration law can be very complicated and stressful to deal with. It is an area of law with several different types of eligibility criteria and legal procedures. Not to mention the different types of Visas you will need depending on your situation. Getting the right Visa requires a deep understanding of legal statutes, regulations, and precedents, as well as the ability to interpret and apply them to individual cases. At Fischetti Law Group, we pride ourselves on our comprehensive knowledge of immigration law and our ability to provide clients with expert guidance and support at every stage of the immigration process.

Immigration Services

  • Green Card
  • Student Visa
  • Employment Visa
  • Work Permit
  • Citizenship
  • Family / Marriage Visa
  • Cuban Adjustment


Different Types of Immigration

Fischetti Law Group is dedicated to providing personalized and compassionate legal support, ensuring that each family receives the attention and care they deserve during the immigration process. With strategic planning and a thorough understanding of immigration laws, they adeptly navigate the complexities of various immigration cases, securing favorable outcomes for families in South Florida

Green Card

Fischetti Law Group Green Card Immigration Lawyer

Getting a Green Card is a very special part of your immigration journey, as it offers you permanent residency and the opportunity for a brighter future in the United States. However, the process of obtaining a green card can be filled with challenges and obstacles, from navigating complex eligibility requirements to submitting meticulous documentation and attending immigration interviews. Our experienced immigration lawyer specializes in assisting clients with their green card applications, offering personalized strategies and tailored solutions to maximize their chances of success.

Student Visa

Fischetti Law Group Student Visa Immigration Lawyer

For many international students, studying in the United States is a lifelong dream to academic excellence and career advancement. Unfortunately, the process of obtaining a student visa can be daunting and overwhelming. It requires careful planning, preparation, and an adherence to strict immigration regulations. At Fischetti Law Group, we are dedicated to helping students navigate the complexities of the U.S. immigration system with confidence and ease. Whether pursuing undergraduate, graduate, or vocational studies, we provide comprehensive legal guidance to help students achieve their academic aspirations and pursue their dreams.

Employment Visa

Fischetti Law Group Employment Visa

Securing employment in the United States is a significant milestone for many immigrants, representing an opportunity to build a successful career and contribute to the nation's economy and workforce. However, the process of obtaining an employment visa can be complex and challenging, requiring careful navigation of intricate legal requirements and regulations. Our immigration lawyer specializes in assisting clients with their employment visa applications, providing unwavering support to help them achieve their professional goals and aspirations.

Work Permit

Fischetti Law Group Work Permit

A work permit provides invaluable legal authorization for individuals seeking employment opportunities in the United States, offering flexibility, security, and peace of mind. They are often easier to procure than an employment Visa and can even be used as part of the visa application process. Like an employment Visa, it still enables individuals to pursue their professional aspirations and contribute to the nation's economy and workforce. We will ensure that clients obtain the necessary authorization to work in the United States and pursue their career goals.


Fischetti Law Group Citizenship

Becoming a United States citizen is a transformative journey that embodies the values of democracy, equality, and freedom. For immigrants seeking to naturalize and become citizens, the process is both a privilege and a responsibility. Attaining citizenship can be very stressful, that’s why we want to help navigate you through the complicated process. From preparing documentation to representing clients in citizenship interviews, we provide comprehensive legal support and advocacy to ensure a smooth and successful transition to citizenship.

Family / Marriage Visa

Fischetti Law Group Family Marriage Visa Immigration Lawyer

Family unity is a fundamental value that transcends borders and boundaries, enriching lives and strengthening communities. For individuals seeking to reunite with loved ones in the United States, obtaining a family or marriage visa is a crucial step towards building a future together and creating lasting memories. Family reunification is important. Whether through marriage to a U.S. citizen or permanent resident, engagement to be married, or sponsorship of a family member, we provide comprehensive legal support and guidance to ensure a smooth and successful reunion with loved ones in the United States..

Cuban Adjustment

Fischetti Law Group Cuban Adjustment

For individuals moving to the United States from Cuba, the process of immigration often follows unique pathways, particularly through the Cuban Adjustment Act. This legislation offers special considerations and benefits to Cuban nationals and their accompanying family members, providing them with expedited pathways to lawful permanent residency and citizenship. Our immigration lawyer possesses in-depth knowledge and experience in handling Cuban Adjustment cases, ensuring that our clients receive comprehensive legal guidance and support every step of the way.

Fischetti Law Group

Our Promise

Choosing the right legal representation for your immigration journey is a critical decision that can have far-reaching implications for your future. We believe having trust and confidence in your immigration lawyer is important. When you choose us as your immigration lawyer, you can expect a personalized plan for your case and your future. We will work tirelessly to advocate for your rights, protect your interests, and help you achieve your immigration goals, whatever they may be.


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