Fort Pierce Car Accident Attorney

At Fischetti Law Group in Fort Pierce, Florida  you’ll get a team of experienced professionals who will work tirelessly to make sure you’re completely satisfied and compensated. Our team promises:

  • We’ll fight aggressively on your behalf.
  • We won’t stop until you get what you’re owed
  • We won’t back down until your concerns are addressed
  • We’ll move fast to get you what you’re owed NOW!
  • We’ll provide personalized service so you stay informed
  • We’ll respond to all of your texts, calls, or emails
  • You’ll receive frequent updates on your case
  • We offer free consultations!

Don’t waste another second being treated unfairly by insurance companies that will give you the run-around. Our legal team advocates on your behalf to get you answers and compensation without all the complications. That’s what makes Michael Fischetti your accident attorney Fort Pierce!



Negligence and What it Means for Personal Injury Cases in Fort Pierce

When it comes to personal injury, the one factor is that common is always negligence. In order to receive compensation for your injury it’s necessary to demonstrate the four tenets of negligence:

The duty of care: the expectation of the defendant was they were supposed to behave in a responsible manner (ie: follow all posted road signs, maintain a safe work environment, etc.).
The failure to uphold the duty of care: The defendant failed to meet the expectations to keep other individuals (you) safe (ie: drove recklessly, left workers exposed to hazardous materials, etc.).
The overall failure caused the incident: The defendant’s careless actions or inactions caused the incident to occur. Your personal injury was ultimately the direct result. This could be what led to a car accident, motorcycle accident, or workplace accident.
Compensation and damages are necessary: You are now suffering financially (as well as potentially physically and mentally). This could look like medical bills, lost wages, or pain and suffering.
In order to prove all of these tenets you will need to provide evidence that demonstrates your side of what occurred. For example, this could include photos, video, an accident report, doctor’s reports, or eyewitness testimony. As your Fort Pierce Personal Injury Attorney, we can help you determine which and what evidence will help win your case.



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Reach out to our legal experts here and at least one of us will contact you about any and all Personal Injury or Homeowner's Insurance Claim.


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