Accidents involving slips and falls can happen at work, at home, or in any public area. They are widespread in supermarkets, shops, dining venues, vacations, office buildings, and medical facilities.

In other words, injuries due to slips and falls don’t discriminate and can occur to anyone, anywhere, at any time. You’re not alone, so don’t be embarrassed. However, if you have been injured due to someone else’s negligence, such as at work, you must contact a slip and fall lawyer immediately.

Why you should contact a Slip and Fall Lawyer

You may be eligible for long-term disability (LTD) benefits if any of the aforementioned fall injuries or other types prevent you from working. These may frequently be accessible through your job. Checking the kind and scope of the insurance you have in place is the first step in making a claim.

When there is a question as to whether an accident was caused by one’s job, getting compensation for a slip, trip, and fall incident can be challenging. For this reason, in the ideal scenario, you ought to consult with a lawyer before discussing a settlement with your employer or insurance provider.

Contact the Fischetti Law Group in Boynton, Beach, Florida today to discuss your accident with our slip and fall lawyer. Call 833-MIKE-247 to schedule a free, no-obligation consultation with one of our team members. You can share the details of the claim and ask questions as you consider your next steps.

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slip and fall

Prevalence of Slip and Fall Injuries

One of the most frequent causes of injuries in the United States is slip and fall injuries. Most people don’t think about the dangers of slip and fall accidents and the harm that they cause until it affects them and their families.

Additionally, a lot of individuals are unaware of how expensive a slip-and-fall mishap may be. For those who are suffering from injuries due to a slip and fall accident, working with a qualified personal injury law firm is the best way to recover and obtain the compensation needed to one’s life back to as normal as possible. Here are some slip-and-fall statistics and data to illustrate how catastrophic these kinds of incidents may be.

The Most Common Type of Injury:

Slips, trips, and falls account for more than 25% of all injuries across all industries. Slip and fall incidents are a primary source of injuries for people of all ages, even though they are frequently the most severe for older folks. Every age group saving those between the ages of 10- 24 see a a higher-than-average incidence of non-fatal injuries due to slips and falls. Approximately one-third of adults over 65 falls each year. The older you get, the more serious your slip and fall accident is expected to be. Slips and falls are the most significant cause of injuries on the job for people over 55. Also, more than 60 percent of nursing home residents fall at least once each year.

Emergency Room Visits:

More than one million people go to the emergency room each year for slip and fall accidents. That’s more than two thousand people each day in the United States alone. There are about 8 million emergency room visits each year because of falls.

Leading Cause of Work Disability:

Although slips and falls are not the main cause of fatal occupational injuries, they’re the number one cause of missed workdays/work-related disability, and mortality among adults in the United States, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Cost of Slip and Fall Injuries:

According to research conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the average hospital cost of a slip and fall is about $30,000-$40,000. Slip and fall accidents cost Americans more than $34 billion each year. Call Fischetti Law Group for a slip and fall lawyer who can get you the settlement you deserve.

Start your Slip and Fall Claim

Even a little slip and fall incident can have a long-term negative effect on your health. Falls are the most frequent cause of traumatic brain injuries (TBIs), which can leave you permanently disabled, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Other types of injuries that occur from slips and falls include:

  • Back and neck injuries (Fractured vertebrae and herniated discs).
  • Broken bones, dislocated, or shattered joints.
  • Muscle and tendon sprains, strains, or tears, and other soft tissue injuries
  • Spine and back injuries: Spinal cord injuries, result in partial damage or total paralysis.
  • Brain injuries
  • Hip Fractures
  • Cuts and bruises
  • Shoulder and/or neck injury
  • Sprains and strains
  • Soft tissue injuries

Common Reasons for Slip and Falls

  • Standing water from rain, food, faulty drainage, or other spilled liquids.
  • Slippery or sticky floors/stairs
  • Uneven or damaged walkways
  • Poorly maintained walkways, stairs, or floors
  • Tripping hazards with no warning signage
  • Improperly repaired surfaces

How Will the Fischetti Law Group Handle My Case?

Understanding insurance regulations can be challenging, especially if you’re already dealing with the effects of an accident sustained due to a slip and/or fall. Denials are a frustratingly frequent part of the procedure as well.

Hiring a knowledgeable slip and fall lawyer is essential if you’re having trouble moving your injury claim forward. Our team can support your requirements throughout the settlement process, assisting in defending your right to compensation. To arrange a free, no-obligation case evaluation, contact us today.

If you are injured due to another’s negligence, a qualified slip and fall lawyer can assist you in evaluating the value of your claim and bringing the best legal action for compensation. At Fischetti Law Group in Boynton Beach, FL, we’ll assist you in identifying the advantages and disadvantages of your case and developing a plan to obtain the best conclusion possible. Know that you don’t have to face recovery after a slip and fall accident alone.

sam snitz assiting attorney mike fischetti in legal services

What to Do After a Slip and Fall

Evaluate your surroundings and situation – Determine if the fall will require an ambulance visit to the ER.

Report the Accident: Get the details of the incident in writing—ask the manager, owner, or landlord to make a written report, and request a copy before you leave. Then contact a slip and fall lawyer at the Fischetti Law Group.

Seek Medical Treatment: Your health—or the health of a loved one—should be your number-one priority following a slip, trip, and fall accident. If you’ve been hurt, it’s important to see a doctor so that your injuries can be properly documented. Those medical records will be important pieces of evidence should you decide to seek compensation for your injuries. Your medical records will be important pieces of evidence should you decide to seek compensation for your damages.

Document Everything: Get the name and contact info of any potential witnesses and document the scene.

Decline to Give Statements: Decline to state an insurance company until you’ve spoken to an experienced attorney. Federal laws limit truck driving hours, but ultimately the truck driver is responsible for his or her well-being and attentiveness.

Slip and Fall Injury FAQs

In a slip-and-fall case, there are a few individuals that may be held liable. Those may include:

  • Property Owner
  • Tennent of a property
  • The management company of a property
  • Any vendor responsible for maintaining property

Oftentimes, slip and fall cases can be difficult to navigate because it is not always clear who is at a fault. That is why it is so important to give us a call at 833-MIKE-247

Store Liability Blog

Depending on the circumstance, a guest at another person’s house may be able to claim the property owner’s insurance company. It is the property owner’s responsibility to keep the property/homes safe and maintained, as well as inform guests if that is not the case.

Yes, though the facts of each slip and fall accident are different, if the injured person can prove that the store failed to properly maintain their premises and/or knew of poor conditions and failed to resolve them – then a case can be made.

It very much depends on the situation and who is liable for the injuries – the insurance of the property owner may be able to pay for medical bills if a valid case is made.

Our Slip and Fall Legal Team Is The Best In The Business

We pride ourselves on delivering first-rate, aggressive advocacy to the individuals we represent. Our philosophy is that it’s important to maintain transparency with our clients during the entirety of their cases, which is why we devote ourselves to comprehensively guiding them through to the end. Attorney Michael Fischetti has 16 years of multidisciplinary litigation experience and has filed an excess of 10,000 cases.

Give us a call at (561)-810-8448 or contact us to schedule an appointment with our slip and fall lawyer for a free case consultation and case evaluation.