Weird Florida Laws

Weird Florida Laws That You Might Not Know About

With all the wild weather and catastrophic property damage claims in southwest Florida, we wanted to switch up our week-daily legal blog posts with some of the strangest and/or weirdest Florida laws you may or may not have ever heard of. Enjoy:

•   Failure to let your neighbor know their house is on fire is illegal

•   Not only is allowing your neighbor’s home to burn without notifying them is unethical but it’s actually illegal!

•   It’s illegal to fish while driving across a bridge

•   Fishing in Florida is beyond popular and so is driving but according to Florida laws, it’s illegal to combine them both. So pick one or another.

•   In Sarasota, it is illegal to sing in public while wearing a bathing suit

•   Considering how popular Florida is for spring break and considering how many people wear bathing suits the two are bound to mix. Out of all the things you can get in trouble with during spring break don’t let it be for singing in a bathing suit!

•   License required to shred

•   Statute 316.0085 says it is illegal to skateboard in Florida without a license, and considering the skateboard community that is present in the sunshine state, this is a hard one not to break.

•   It is illegal for men to wear a strapless dress

•   This is not just a weird law but it’s actually considered a crime! Who knows why it’s a crime for men to show off their beautiful collar bones, but make sure to cover up if you come into contact with a police officer.

•   It is illegal to gossip in Florida

•   While this quirky law might be helpful for society, it’s still bizarre that you can’t chitchat with some friends might cause you to break a law. Chapter 836 of the Florida Statutes highlights exactly what you cannot say or do when conceding talking about another person.

•   Parking fines for elephants, goats, and alligators. The same as a car?

•   We all know parking fines can be a pain but did you know standing fees apply for any elephants, goats and or alligators tied to a parking meter in Sarasota.

•   Illegal to sell oranges on the street

•   Did you know that selling oranges on the street in Florida could result in 30 days in jail?

•   Stealing a horse could end up in a hanging?

•   It is obviously illegal to steal a horse but did you know that the punishment could be death by hanging

•   It is illegal to eat cottage cheese on Sunday past 6 p.m.

•   This Tampa Bay law is one of the weird Florida laws that makes us wonder who exactly is in charge of making these laws. What do they have against cottage cheese?

 •   Parachuting restrictions for women

•   If you’re an unmarried woman, you may not parachute on Sundays. If you do, you can potentially face fines, arrest, and jail time. How bizarre.

•   You can get a ticket for driving too slowly

•   Although we often see getting tickets for driving too fast, you can also get a ticket for driving too slowly. If you are driving slower than the flow of traffic, this can endanger other drivers as it blocks the flow of traffic.